Logo designs

Creating logos and banners is also a great pass-time of mine. I'll spend quite a long amount of time perfecting an image for my personal fashion blog on Fireworks or Photoshop, and I enjoy seeing what the different software tools can do, so I was really looking forward to this task.

I wanted to use Adobe Illustrator, as it was something I'm not familiar with and I enjoy learning about new software. To help me get to know it a little better, I found that online tutorials could be particularly helpful. I used this tutorial to help me create this logo below:

I used a picture of my boyfriend, and his name "Wainwright", and instead of creating a beer logo, I changed it to 'tea'. I loved this design so much that I got it printed onto a mug for a Christmas present to him.

After making this, I'd familiarised myself with a few of the tools on Adobe Illustrator, so got working on my logo design project.

My idea was to stick with creating a logo for my fashion blog 'The Fashion Diaries' because it was something personal to me, and I know what kind of designs will fit with the content of my blog.

I took inspiration from these:

They're all fairly 'regal' looking, and have a more 'high fashion' edge, which is a theme I thought might be quite nice to interpret on my blog. I wanted to keep it fairly clean and modern so came up with this design:

I like the way it's both old and modern looking - kind of like the 'Fatalist' logo, where all the shapes are cut simply and clean, but the actual design itself has quite a vintage, old feel to it.

The next logo, again, I wanted to keep fairly simple and modern, so used a combination of bold shapes and text to create this:

Although it's a really simple design, I definitely think this is something I would use on my blog. I like to keep my layout fairly minimalist, so this would fit in great. It'd also make a good avatar or icon for social networking sites such as BlogLovin' or Twitter.

Finally, I decided to take inspiration from the headers on a few of my favourite fashion blogs:

I particularly liked the 'Style Bubble' logo, so used the 'Clipping Mask' tool on Adobe Illustrator to create a this logo:

I used an image of a galaxy behind the text, because it's quite a general picture, and still looks stylish, fitting in with the theme of fashion. Although, if I were to do this design again, I'd perhaps change the font around and make it a little more 'edgy'.